I hung limp.. my eyes glassy an weary...

Chan licks my abs, while Roach holds my head and mind fuck me with his words.. as he also licks the tears i shed on my cheeks..

Ugh... ughh... ughh... aaaghh...

I moan and grunt as i continue to spasm, almost like im having hiccups...

Ughaaa... chi.... ughh...

I... ii.... cant... loose....

Ugh... ugh...

Hmy mind drained and exausted... i continue to blabber nonsense at i try to fight my will through the mindfuck..


Ughh... ughh.... aaghhh..

Aaaahh... i..i...i... cant

Im... this country's only....hope....ugh....

All the criminals watch they cant believe this is actually happening, KidPinoy whose name alone send chills to evey evil doer and basically invincible is finnally beaten and captured for all of them to make their revange on its almost too good to be true. .

While on the other side of the city the civilians mayor and the police watch on in shock and fear....They never expected something like this..

Chan laughs and slaps you across the face with his heavily ringed hand. "Look at this boy...too fuck-drunk to get a sentence out! You've had your fun Roach, it's my turn!", he sneers, and some thugs scurry about and pump water up your ass roughly, flushing out the remaining cum in your ass as Chan takes off his jacket and unzips his pants. " better not have loosened him up too much!", he chuckles, smacking your ass humiliatingly before sticking his own cock up you, pulling on the leeches to tug your nipples erotically. "Yes...I am fucking Kid Pinoy in the ass, pulling on his nips! Not even his girlfriend can say that ahahaha!", he laughs as the crowd jeers at your humilation.

Roach comes round the front and puts on the brass knuckles, punching your abs some more, his venom cum sloshing around in your slightly bloated belly as he punches your gut to soften it some more. "Mmm..I will finish breaking his pride as a hero and a man! No hair, no abs...and eventually, no cum! We will destroy Kid Pinoy utterly!", Roach growls, throwing another hard punch into your navel as Chan pulls and twists your nips and fucks your ass.

The octopus' tendrils drill deeper, reaching the base of your cock...they twist and vibrate, fucking your cock on the inside as its mouth pussy fucks your cock on the outside, our potent cum nearly filling its balloon. Its tendrils spread out and wrap around your egg-sized balls, squeezing and trying to pierce your powerful ball meat!

Aaarghhh!!!... arghhaaa!!! Arghhhaaaa!!!!

I strain and strain but Chan is just in total control...

With my mind still drained from the secons cumming im defensless im not eve able to flex my abs as roach starts to bombard my abs with punches...



With unflexed abs the punhes foroces out green acidic cum out of my.mouth asi scream in pain...

Im so pliant that even the fatso Chan can move me as he wantsas he tugs on my nipples mercilessly..

And as the octopus monster milks me al i can do is scream and squirm as the whole plaza is engulfed by monsters and villains laughs and taunts

Chan's cock is much smaller, but it is somehow even more humiliating to have the vile mortal drug lord plough your hero ass; he moans and groans with lust, as Roach punches your abs, softening them further.

Eventually Chan cums, his seed also stinging inside from your injuries to your ass and guts, and as he pants, Roach throws the last few punches into your weakened abs and twists the leeches, pulling them off painfully as they refuse to stop sucking you, long tendrils trailing out o your nipples. He does the same with the octopus, taking his time to pull it off you inch by inch...the tendrils scraping your huge balls on the way out.

The lieutenants of the criminals and monsters step onto the stage; a variety of monsters and humans. "And now, our other comrades shall participate in the breaking of Kid Pinoy!" Chan shouts, to the cheers of the crowd. Wielding crowbars, baseball bats and hammers, the human thugs bash your thighs, your arms, your pecs, abs and even ass, grunting with every attack that would break a normal human's bones...The monsters grin and await their turn.




I grunt moan and scream fas my whole body was beaten...

Im like a hunged meat getting tenderized..

And the villains enjoy every minute of it.

But some Chan and Roachsuddenly realize even though Kid is now under their mercy. .

There still something that they havent able to do and without it they would never really say they have defated the great KidPinoy..

And that is to hear Kid, Beg and and actually confess defeat and surrender..

The more that they see kid pinoy getting beaten but was able to hold up his tough mettle...

makes them feel that they still didnt win. .

Making them angrier and wanting kid to really be defeated

The humans beat down on you until they are exhausted, then the monsters have their turn. They claw at you or bash your hard muscles with their fists, some trying to bite and scratch your awesome body...but none dare touch your cock and balls, having been strictly instructed not to. As they bash your body, your balls have some time to recharge your cum and chi...

As the miking stops, everyone is amazed on how fast kid was able to reccuperate. .

In just a mere hour his welts and wounds begin to heal, proving his has regained much Chi to the point thats his increase healing is working again. .

As the monster continue to attack they notice that Kids body began to be really hard again some monsters even hurt themselves by attacking kid. .

And kid himself realize this. . Slowly he is gaining back his conposure and he again can think straight and is again able to focus..

Roach growls and whispers to Mr Chan; "It seems his chi is replenishing even quicker than we thought..." The crowd starts to boo, but the civilians start getting their hopes up as you seem to regain your strength, flexing your lean muscles and taking the brutal attacks with greater ease as time passes. "Yes, you can do it!", your girlfriend cheers, a thug growling at her to shut up.

Roach has put the octopus and leeches back in the tank, and pulls out a long, thin black rod, almost like a length of anal beads. "Your balls are truly impressive, Kid Pinoy. I hate to admit it, but you really are spectacularly virile...", the crowd boos harder but Mr Chan raises a hand for silence.

Roach steps over to you. "And that is why we will continue to drain you...until you are truly defeated. Truly broken.", he grins, sliding the long object down into your cock slit like anal beads, your cock hurt and itching by its entrance. The little balls slide off as Roach pulls the rod back out.

"I have prepared something very of many torments we have prepared. Those are eggs, Kid Pinoy...for leeches that will soon hatch in your balls and feast on your cum! They will devour your virility from within!", he gloats "Let's give them some encouragement, everyone!", he roars to the crowd, which cheers loudly as the clamps are applied to your balls again, and a mighty shock is applied.

The eggs react to the electricity rushing through your balls and you feel wriggling suddenly in your sack...the screens show the zoomed in image of worm-like wriggling around your balls, and you feel your cum being slowly devoured...slowly, the leeches grow in size on the screen, from thin worms to longer, thicker worms....wriggling inside your balls and drinking up your cum!

I began to shake and convulse as my balls gets eletricuted yet again.. but what really sent terror terror down my sspine is when i feel wriggling feeling inside my balls...

I convulse as it feels like im being eaten from the inside..My head is thrown back as i scream in horror..




My head shaking back and forth

The leeches grow larger, your duck egg balls now visibly crawling with leeches inside them, writhing around your balls and drinking up your thick cream as electricity shocks you. "Let's force him to make more cum!', laughs Chan, as he thrusts the vibrator up your sore ass and against your prostate, blasting it again. Even as your orgasm though, your plugged penis does not shoot any cum; instead your slit gapes in a painful drygasm as your balls swell with potent seed that the evil leeches guzzle and use to grow larger.


AAARGHHA....what...have...are you

Aaaghhhh.. Kid gasps and pants in pain his body flexing like crazy and in pain

My handsomeface looks so cofnused ton chans delight

Aaarghhaa!!!!!... shit...shit...shit aaaghhh....aaaaaaahhh my balls...aaaghbhaaa

You have only one chance to save your balls, Kid cum so hard you shoot them out of yourself! Let us help!" Chan laughs as the laser is powered up and shoots at your cock helmet. "Ah, does that feel good?", he chuckles.

Turn up the voltage! Get those leeches going!", Roach snaps, and the current flowing into your balls grows, the city lights flickering harder!

You feel a powerful orgasm building up inside you...knowing tat even if you shoot the leeches out, such a huge orgasm will drain you deeply again!

Ughhaaa... aaghhaa...

Kid has no choice but to participate with their game..

As Kids orgasm builds up... his body tensed up even more....

He also begins to tug on hia chains... creaking and cracking can be heard...

My body is like a bow, bent my head thrown backwards .... as i shake and conviulse..


You feel cum roiling in your balls...the stimulation on your balls and prostate making you churn cum, but the leeches devouring it quickly as well. You focus yourself, willing your cock to make more and more cum...your sack hanging low from a dozen writhing slugs eating your cream. You build up more and more spunk, racing to produce enough to blast them out...

"It's close now...", Roach smiles at your swelling balls and throbbing cock. "Either you shoot an immense load that weakens you...or you fail, and prove that monster power is stronger than yours, and doom your balls to destruction!", he gloats. "Let's see if the mighty hero has what it takes, or if this is the end!"


A guluttural scream was heard to the whole city
As Kid was able to meditate enough to increase his Chi prpduction to almost 50x more than the usuall
Making him cum to the point that he also killed the leeches by over feeding them withhis powerful cum


It was like a geyser as the leeches was forced out from his balls...but Kid also suffered the consequences of this orgasm..

It was so intense that e yet again broke his chain...and he is now on his knees as he contonue to spasm
Spweing his might chi laced cum..

His mind is has shortcircuited ... the third time but this is the worst one... as he stare blankly spasming like a fire hose

Chan grabs your hair and pulls you up, letting you spurt globs of cream over the crowd as they cheer and catch your seed in their mouths in delight. The leeches are like water balloons littering the stage, picked up by Roach and dumped in the tank, the ball clamps and vibrator still pulsing your cock and balls as Chan holds you up to keep pumping out a geyser of cum, eager to see how much you can truly make.

Waaaaa....waaaaa.... waaa....




Waaaa....i continue to squirt more of my hero essence

Chan kneels behind you, kissing your neck and groping your abs and pecs, whispering in your ear; "Look at you...a mindless fountain of cum! Roach was wanted to be beaten...for us to conquer you and make you feel so love feeding your cum to monsters and criminals don't you? You are making sooo much cum for us...look at it flying out onto the up your cream! Right into their mouths...what a big slut you are!"

Ughhaaa...aaghh....tha...thas..... note..true...

Ughhaa... im...a

Aaaaaagh... will... faill...

Aaaaaghh.... evil will...never win in..tehe...end..


Chan growls and pushes the vibrator right up against your prostate and squeezes your balls; "Says you, but we will empty your balls today!", he roars.



I squited even more as chan sqeeze my balls. body tihtens while imstill kneeled infront odd.the crowd

You shoot potent seed into the crowd, Chan gleefully working your cock and balls, guiding your cock to spray over all sides, as he trash talks you some more...


Waaa.... ughhhsa... ughh...

No...noooo..... aghha....


My eyes are almost complety blank....

Roach kneels beside you with a thumb sized black blob. "We hope you have all enjoyed some of his delicious cum! The rest of his seed will be sold off, and some reserved for monster leaders and criminal scientists! And now, to save the rest of his seed...", he turns and sticks the blob on your cock, and it moves into your slit and plugs your cock like a cork, sending your cum back down into your balls as you painfully drygasm, a bit of drool coming out the corner of your mouth. Chan holds you up by your pecs, groping them and flicking your nipples as the vibrator and clamps are removed. You are now naked, held up by the druglord as Roach fondles your abs and cock.

Look at this pathetic punk!", Chan sneers as the cameras zoom in on you. "Yes, fucked out of his mind and nearly drained of cum....turned into a fountain for his enemies to drink from!', laughs Roach. "You've lost Kid Pinoy...completely! And all it took was a few hours to turn you from an invincible hero to a cum pump!"

My head slump to my chest as they barated me and humiliate me in front of the crowd..

No one ever really notice how small Kid really is until now, in comparrison to roach and chan it became more obvious that he is just 5'5.. as i dangle at chans hold being presented ton the crowd...

Point at my hansome face my armpit chest abs etc

I can barely lift my head up in shame...

Though i dont want to admit it. . .

Its quite clear they ahve the upperhand for the very fiest time...

"Mmm...he had nice abs, like armour...but you softened them up didn't you?", Chan gloats. Roach laughs; "Yes, and heated up his balls and pecs with the laser...did you see how fat those leeches got on his cum?"

"Indeed...and what a fountain he shot out! You were saying he was a slut for monsters and turns out he is a slut for human criminals too! Feeding the army endless cream..." Chan replies.

His manhood has been taken...his hair shaved, his cum drained, his ass busted open!" Roach chuckles, tugging your face up by the hair to look over the army as the camera lingers on your body and blank stare.

"Mmm...not just his abs...we will turn his brain to mush soon as well, if we keep fucking and draining him like this, hahaha!", Chan grins.

As they hold my head and tug my chin i begin to speak ..

Ro..rose...i...i..will her..... i...i will save...rose...ughhh...

Kid is being humiliated and presented to eveyone as chan and roch inspects my whole body and makes fun of me,talking to each other like they are ina fucking talkshow . . With me as a topic....

" of those arms, Kid...flex for me!", Chan smirks at your kneeling form, pinching your nipples. "Yes, flex those abs too, if they aren't still sore and broken from me punching them haha!", laughs Roach. You are not restrained in any way anymore, simply drained from your titanic orgasm.

Chan held my wrist and put me in a fleixng pose tauntingly....

Ughhh... aaaghh.... aahhh... ah....

Things are so hazy i cant even fight back or resist to what they are doing to me...

They grope and touch your body all over, making you flex your abs, pecs and arms for the crowd, who cheers at the control of the defeated hero...meanwhile your balls refill over time...

They lick your biceps, pits, pecs and abs lewdly, enjoying your body as you kneel, seemingly weak and submissive, sexually defiling you...

They lick and kiss and slurp all over your posed, flexing body; "Mmm so delicious...I wish we could eat you...", grins Roach. "Oh yes, I want him for a slave...", moans Chan as they degrade you. This goes on for 20 minutes, letting Kid Pinoy build up some cum and chi...

Ughh... aghh... aghh... ughh....

Kids body is slowly able to reccupperate but because of being milked and mind fucked again and again his mind is still distraought

Having a hard time focusing and even fighting back..

Ughha... need... to fight... back... need to win..

Kid tries to stand up from his kneeling position but falls again and again..


They lick and kiss and slurp all over your posed, flexing body; "Mmm so delicious...I wish we could eat you...", grins Roach. "Oh yes, I want him for a slave...", moans Chan as they degrade you.

The laughing and jeering crowd is interrupted as the earth trembles and a giant earthworm-like creature bursts through the ground, lowering its head and opening its mouth as a tall, bright yellow wasp creature with a huge, glowing green cock steps out.

"The King!", the monsters cheer, kneeling as the thugs quickly wise up and copy them. Roach stands up at once and bows deeply; "My lord, we have prepared Kid Pinoy for you..." as Chan grunts standing up and gives a shallow bow.

I just looked dazed kneeling and helpless...

I have no idea whats really happening...

Ughh... ghh....aaaghh.....



  1. You're a good writer.

    OMG. Dude, this is INCREDIBLY brutal and sadistic, which is why I LOVE every word of it!!! There are so many elements here that turn me on when I'm reading m/m torture stories. First of all, sexy guys being tortured in front of a large group of both men and women, including the tortured boy's own girlfriend. That's incredibly hot, to me. The tortured boy being very well-muscled, but a bit small in height; I LOVE guys who are smaller than me. (I don't know why; they just turn me the fuck on!) Gang-rape in front of a crowd. Electro-torture; any guy who's ever had it done to him knows how truly agonizing it can be — and it can go on for-EVER, if your dom is a true sadist, as mine is. You'll lose your voice screaming. Testicle torture… I mean, you've got it all, man. I love your mind. It's hotter than hell 🔥🔥😈😈

    Thanks for writing these. I'm enjoying reading them more than you know, KidPinoy! 😘

    1. Hey would love to roleplay with you, if you want to collab to some stories here's my messenger

  2. this part of the story is terrible for our hero... transformed into a fountain... permanently tortured.


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