Superboy Defeated and Tortured 2


The dazed superboy was immediately grabbed in his hairs by Lex and crudely pulled up to standing position. He was too weak to loosen the grip, he could only pitifully held Lex's left arms and "whammm" a punch planted into his stretched abs. Superboy, due to his washboard muscles endurability, this first assault had not done much damage.

"Tough bod." complemented Lex.

"Bamm...Bamm...Bamm....Bamm...." Like a jackhammer, Lex unleashed a whole barrage of right punches continuosly onto the much envied 8-packs of Bien. Superboy was not ready at all, amidst the destruction and weakening effect from the kryptonic gas, he now could no longer contracted his stomach to walled the raining rammings. Superboy just depended on his natural compacity of his muscular texture to go against the super-power punching forces.


Just in 3 minutes, the mechanically modified right arm of Lex already released 150 punches which left no time for superboy even to regulate his breathing. All the air was pushed out of his abdomen and the 4 enemies who stood at the back only saw the leaping body of superboy without being able to notice the punches. It was too fast to detect and with such super speed, they were shivered to think of the intencity of pain inflicted, especially to a normal human body after superboy being weakened by the gas. They did not heat a sound from superboy, not that he did not want to scream, but the exploded pain in his stomach and internal abdomen dumbfounded him.

Suddenly, the all the time above-ground body touched the floor because Lex stopped punching out of his mercy. They should see superboy's handsome face with bulging eyes and wide opened mouth. Only then they heard the guttural howling from the once mighty superhero, "argh......hh.....hhhh..." With handful of hairs still in Lex's palms, superboy cuddled his lean body and curled up his legs trying to alleviate the indescribable pain. The scream slowly turned into a painful moaning and laborious breathing.

"This is only an intro to the whole torture, my dear." ridiculed Lex,"Hey, want to enjoy the sight of pain?" He asked the 4 enemies.

They nodded.

Lex turned Bien around. They could not really see his handsome fax as he dropped his face downward. But they could see sweats dripping from his forehead and abdomen was tightly cuddled by his limbs. This was the first time they actually saw superhero sweating, in pain. They were definitely thrilled and eager to grind his generally admitted "hardest body" around.

"bangggg!" another chilling beating sound reverberated in the air. In order to open up his body for the enemies to "enjoy", Lex targetted at Bien"s spinal bone and hammered a knuckle-punch right onto the back muscles. "Wauuuuu......uu" Superboy screeched in horrible agony again and dropped his legs, his arms automatically grabbed his back's damaged spot and at the same time thrusted his whole body outwards to cushion the blasting pain. This reflex action enhanced and protruded the beet-red 8

packs and one of the enemies took no chances by throwing a ferocious knee exactly onto the soft-spot of superboy just below the navel. Double pain merged together and spread to all the organs inside superboy's body. Bien puked the yellowish gastric juice, air escaping from his anus and urine shot out from his penis.

Superboy had never encountered this kind of bashing before, worsened by the fatal effect of kryptonic gas, he tasted the height of pain of his lifetime.

And the worst thing was this was only a beginning.............


The onlookers were appalled to see the battering taken by superboy. This was the first time they saw his rippling hard bod was pounded so mercilessly and of course this was the first time they saw the reaction of superboy succumbing to the pain, his thwarted handsome face, his piercing screams, his twitchings, his moanings, all this shameful acts of a superhero was utilised to fullest of humiliation as somebody actually shot the whole scene live and televised at the national level.

Lex planned this evil scheme to glorify the downfall or even the death of superboy.

They now surrounded the coiled up superboy who was twitching in pain on the floor. Bien was in fetal position hoping it would reduce the searing pain as soon as possible. But they gave him no chance to retaliate at all. The thugs straightened his arms on the ground, the already scorched palms were stomped repeatedly and grilled by their metal boots. "" He groaned again and lifted his body in an overturn of "U" shape. Lex leaped up about 6 feet high and free fall with both of his knees facing downwards, like a meteor heading towards the protruded 8 bulks which were chilselled by prominent ridges.

"Kapowww!" The loud crashing sound which followed by beastly scream again from superboy filled up the sky. The whole body of Lex was just like planted in Bien's harder than nail abdomen. They couldn't see Lex's knees as they were buried inside the solid muscles of Bien. A shoot of gastric juice and fresh blood like fountain splurting out from his oral cavity. They could imagine the extense of injury done to this superhero's fabulous stomach.

Superboy finally fainted in pain.

They held him up, showing his severely battered body to the camera, blue blacks were all over now.

"The torture is far from over yet" claimed Lex Luthor.



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