Superboy Defeated and Tortured part 4


When they lifted Bien from the Muscle Tenderizer Path, it was a pitiful sight for superboy but a thrilling picture to behold for Lex and those 4 monsters. Bien was semi-conscious now, breathing laboriously

and he could hardly stand up. He was groaning softly in agony, his whole solid body was cracking and racking in throbbing pain, almost every part of his body was rammed mercilessly by the mechanical pillar machines. His lycra suit and pant were torn randomly and bluish welts scattered all over on his super muscles. for a superhero who could receive 1000 human punches without feeling any sensation, now was badly hurt.

Bien was too weak to stand, both of his arms were supported by the thug. Lex pulled up his handsome by gripping his hairs. The face and the groin area were still intact due to the protected shield, but painful grimaces contorted his handsome face terribly. Lex satisfactorily stripped his lycra suit until only his torn pant left. Lex pressed Bien's body selectively, his pecs, abs, back and oblique. he shook his head in dismay because he found that the texture was still compact and tight as ever, especially the 8-chiselled muscular bulks. Only the bluish welts were slightly softer, but the rest although incurring unbearable pain, it was still steely hard.

"Tie him to the Abs Stretcher!" Shouted Lex in exasperation. Immediately peter was tossed to a corner of a room where there was a protruded oval shape metallic block. They leaned superboy to the block by placing his 8 packs directly on the 8 rounded protrusion attached to the surface of the block. Then they locked his both arms and legs to a wrist chains which connected to 4 holes on the wall. Somebody then pulled the chains and Bien's whole body was pulled forward facing the wall. The block pressed harder on his front upper body and when the 8 protrusion sank deep into his 8 packs, Peter screamed in pain. But the reall action had not started yet. You can imagine the injury which superboy suffered from now internally.

"Now you can pound his back as long as you like." Lex told the 4 monsters. Instantly one of them jumped up and crushed his back with a huge double stomps. Pain spread from his back and the forces shoved his 8 packs deep further into the metallic protrusion.

"Wowuuuuuu." bien growled with popping eyes. Lex smiled and the pummeling continued.

they took turns to pound his back muscles, "Thud!Thord!Tanpp!Bank!Bork!Bang!" and Bien just felt like his whole stomach was going to burst, he could feel that his muscular fibres snapped one by one and the pain was like triggered by electricity, sending shivers through his whole body. The monsters unleashed punches after punches, intermittently exchanged with knees, elbows or ferocious stomps. Every pounding was a great torture to superboy. He nearly wanted to beg them to stop but he knew this would only degrade his superhero image, furthermore Lex would not relax and that was what they wanted. The public were appalled to witness this gory torturing scene on the TV but those who envied Bien and superboy bosy were thrilled to the highest point. They gay people were turned on incredibly, some of them masturbated and ejaculated.

After 1 hour, that area on the back was not spared even an inch of free intact muscles, it was like a reddish blue-black belt. Superboy were obviously fainted as all the air was knocked out from his belly. He lay unconciously on the big block with 4 limbs still being pulled strongly towards the wall. then the unlocked the wrist band and Bien just dropped to the floor.

One of the monsters pulled him up again and Lex was so happy to see all his 8-packs were deeply painted with maroon colour welts. He pressed the abs and nodded his head.

"Now it is much better, let's start to do some reall gut-punching!" He shouted and others cheered excitedly.

One of the monsters suddenly shot a normal punch to Bien's relaxed abs and the normal pain woke him up instantly. Before he could screech another knee planted right into his lower abs. "Oufghhh" Bien grunted and felt like something exploded inside his abs.

He puked some gastric juices and almost fainted again.



  1. You forgot to torture his BELLYBUTTON!!! Bien has a nice deep belly button with super sexy belly button knot inside!!!!


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