Complete Defeat of KidPinoy Chapter 7


Im grabbed ny my hair and cheeks...

My face full.of cum and my own tears..

The mayor knees shook in horror..


Ughh... ughh...aaaaaaghh.....ughh..


All i can do is groan and moan...

Kids body has been trained for years... just to be molested this way..They are even in shock to see kid shaved now... they feel so bad for the hero who defended the county for years... but not the villains..

My hair was sold to billions as some wants any piece of the legendary hero they can have as a trophy..One who bought the eyes mask even came forward and tauntingly put the eyes mask on me then off just to show everyone that this is really is the same KidPinoy they used to look up to. 

"Once we found his true identity it was easy to find and capture his loved ones to use as hostages...we uncovered the truth behind his power as well. His cum is pure Chi...and he has limitless quantities of it! Out King will feast on him again he is drained, he grows weaker and becomes vulnerable. See how far he has fallen?", sneers Roach. "My plan went off perfectly!" Roach wheels the grill and hot brand over, and the King joins him. "Now, Kid Pinoy...look the mayor in the eye and tell him you've lost...that you failed as a hero! Tell him how we utterly defeated you and took over the city!", the King gloats, stroking his cock.

Kid looks stunned still but he didnt say anything..

He still has an ounce of heroic spirit in him..



Making the villains angry... but they figured

Kid can bear anything they can throw at him...

His real weakness is his... good heart and heroism..

The King snarls; "Stupid boy...have you forgotten? Remind him!", he gestures to the camera, and you see and hear your grandparents and girlfriend begin to be strangled. The crowd of villains laughs heartlessly as they are tormented. "You are utterly defeated, Kid Pinoy...admit the truth!"

Kid looks at the screen worryingly...

Ugh... no..dont..

Hurt them...





Kid still doesnt want to admit defeat...

Then they show that the civilians captured by the monster minions are also taken hostage... people of the whole city will die.. if he doesnt obey..

"On the count of three, start killing them.", the King snarls at the cameras. The captured civilians quail in terror, some still begging Kid Pinoy to save them. "One..."

Ughh... dont... hurt... dont..

Hurt... them.. You... bastrads... ughh...aaaghh



Kid speaks while looking stun weary and pliant...A testament of his heroism..

Hm...actually hold one...", the King sneers. Your grandparents and girlfriend are released, gasping. "I want them to see Kid Pinoy broken further...give me the brand!", he roars, and Roach pulls it out of the fire. It is a brand of a wasp's face with the letters VA in it for Villain's Alliance. The King holds on to it...then hands it to the mayor. "As the new King of this city it is only right that the old ruler brand its defeated it!", he sneers. The mayor holds the brand and looks down at Kid Pinoy uncertainly, then dropping his head in sadness, mouthing "I'm sorry...", before branding your ripped abs over the bellybutton as a cheer goes up among the crowd of villains.


Kids scream can be heard all through out the city..

I jerked my body again and again as the metal sinks in and burn my skin and flesh...

Some villains sneered and joked about smelling like roast beef

And just as mark appears.. a heavy rain pours into the town

Its as if even the heavens mourn for KidPinoy. .

As the villains celebrates..

"Ahhh the smell of cooked meat...lean abs!", the King chuckles. "Those abs you were so proud of...the symbol of your invincibility...will now bear our mark forever!", he cries as the villains cheer wildly. "And here is something you will always feel your defeat...", he gloats, as he takes something from Roach...and snaps a collar around your neck, black and yellow with the same symbol on it, like a dog collar...He grabs you and drags you back to the centre of the crowd. "Show our new bitch how good he looks with his brand and collar!", he sneers, and the crowd converges around to jeer and leer at the hero, jerking their cocks and raining more cum onto his shredded body...

I was dragged helplessly...



I looked at my abs my 10packs abs now bear the mark of the villains army...

And as i look up for hope... i see myself at one of the large lcd screen... shaved marked and collared sureounded by thugs... as it rains they even had my face shoved at a puddle of mud..

Its a very bad day of the forces of good...

"He still refuses to about this Kid Pinoy? I will accept a one on one fight with you...if you win, we will retreat and spare the city. How does that sound?", the King says.

Kid wearily... defiantly.... starts to stand up my knees shaking..

And took a fighting pose...

I swayed from side to side

And it was so heroic that suddenly the rain stops... and a ray of sun shone to the hero.. such a epic and heroic scene..

But the villains around just laughed as they see that Kid is now too weak to even really fight. .

But i didnt care... i stood there and wait for the King to make his move..Defiantly i also grabed the collar.. and removed it threw itnat the face of chan, angering chan in the side lines...

Chan snarls; "Seems like there's a break in the clouds...why don't we make it rain cum instead?", as monsters and criminals jeer and hiss at Kid Pinoy and start stroking their cocks again...

The King flexes his four arms; "Your Chi flows through me!", he gloats, then flies forward aiming a punch to your face. You manage to block, but his lower arms throw two gutpunches into your ripped and formerly invincible abs...



Kid was lifted up a few feet with those two punch, it knocked the wind out,

Kid has face King of Monster several time during his career and always ends ups making an escape, Kid is just 5'5 and King is almost 6'5 but even as a 10 years old hero he has always beat King of Monsters... but thats not the case now

He is stronger more skilled and his muscles more lean the 18 years old Kid Pinoy is in a different situation..

Weak weary muscles softer and his weakness exposed King humiliates me in an actual fight...

Wanting to be the first and only one whoe beat Kid Pinoy final fight ..

"Ah yes! Your muscles are so much softer...I love feeling your abs give way to my fists!", he gloats, grabbing your hands with his top pair of arms and gutpunching you with his two lower arms before pausing. "Come Kid Pinoy, break free if you can! Your arms versus mine..."

Kid tries his best to beat King...his muscles flexing to the fullest..

Every cut and muscles strain for the final fight between good vs evil and like a miracle and because they have forgotten to milk Kid contineuously...

Kids abs and fist suddenly lights up... a bright light of hope!

Kid suddenly was gaining the upper hand between the twos test of strenght..



"Grrr..grargh!", the King growls as you begin to overpower him. His free arms punch into your abs and across your face, as a hint of fear and doubt creep into him and all the villains watching.

Kid wasva bit stunned but continued to fight on.

Ughh. .Graaah!

Graaah! Yeaaah!

King notice that Kid is bgining to get stronger and faster and he began having a hard time keeping up. .

He didnt expected kid to regain that much chi so fast

You take his punches, not giving up, your abs and fists glowing with Chi...when suddenly, the King's tentacle comes from behind him and slurps onto your cock, taking it in, tendrils questing down your shaft in search of your balls. "Grrr...I will drink you dry!", he growls, as the leech tendrils bite into your hefty balls and his tentacle sucks hard, massaging your cock.

"Help me fools!", he cries, and thugs begin to swarm you again, rubbing their cocks on your thighs, fucking you in the ass and twisting your nipples...


Kid thought it will be a 1v1 fight but as usual he was too trusting..

Kid immdiately was immobilized

What little he recovered was about to be taken away yet again..

Kid knowing that this is his only chance fought valiantlty tried to remove the tendrils. . Fought off the thugs but its just too mch and too late...

You throw off the thugs and send them flying but not before you cum, shooting your precious Chi into the King who shudders in ecstasy. "Ohh...delicious..." Chan comes up behind you as everyone is distracted and produces a clear vial. "Drink is the most powerful aphrodisiac...your only chance is to kill the King like you did the must build up your Chi!", he whispers in your ear, holding the liquid to your lips...

Kid didnt believe Chan of course but with him in the middle of an orgasm it didnt really matter...

Kid bean loosing strenght instantly and his knees buckling... King gaining the upperhand again as slowly fall on my knees..

And as Chan slips the vial..into my mouth i didnt have a choice...

Ughaaaaa.... aaaghhh....

"Ahhh on your knees where you belong, Kid, are finished.. I have beaten you!", the King gloats.



The aphrodisiac takes hold, burning in your veins...if you meditated to increase Chi production as well, you could churn out a truly immense amount of absolute ocean...

Kids mind is already getting numb by the sensation of milking henis barely able to think properly but once agai his body is betraying him the aprodisiac is causeing him to make.immense amount of chi...





I convulse as King continues to coerce me into spweing my Chi..

The King lets go and you slowly bring yourself up. "Let's dance...this time it really will be man to monster...", he sneers, inviting your blow.

Kid had just cummed before King invited him to a fight again knowing he is still mindfuvked from his recent orgasm...

But King was actually surprised to see Kid auddenly trying to stand up from his kneeling positin its was veryslow though as he shakes... slowly standing up..


The King licks his mandibles with a long black tongue, refreshed from drinking your load of cum. "So you can still stand...even after everything you defy me...I will break you utterly this day, Kid Pinoy...", he snarls. He flies forward throwing a punch into your jaw and two gutpunches into your abs in quick succession. "Gonna tenderise those abs once and for all!"

Kid hasnt even stand yet when King attacked,

He was unready... making him received the full impact of Kings atttacks


Oooffgg! Ooofffghh!!

Kid was defesneless!

Two strong hands grip your abs, while two more slug your face left and right, making your spit fly. The monster's green cock batters your sore 8 incher in a cock sword fight. "Haaa...I am overwhelming Kid Pinoy! He is eating my fists!"






Civilians watched in dismay as Kid Pinoy is basically turned into a punchingbag by King this time around

He grips your throat and smacks your cock with his, then sends hard gutpunches into your abs. "Yesss...break for me! I will be the monster that breaks Kid Pinoy's abs! I am invincible!", he crows, eyes glowing with delight as he slams fist after fist into your eight pack, choking you so you can't fully flex to defend...




Kid pukes gastric juices and cum fro the villains as hi abs gets tentrized by King.

Civililans watching fornthe first Kid losing a fight....

Their heart sank in hopelesness..

My arms and legs dangle from every hit... im pliant and defenseless almost like a puppet at the hands for the 6 feet inesect monster King..


Ugh.... uhhhhh....aaagh..

"Ahh...and put the Kid down!", he roars, and releases your throat, gripping your shoulders to hold you steady, before throwing a brutal uppercut into your handsome face, POW! The crowd of villains cheers as your head snaps back, spit flying. He flexes an arm, then throws a second one, POW! The crowd goes wild, seeing Kid Pinoy helpless, eating brutal punches from a monster, the King of monsters no less! He flexes again, and winds up, releasing 

your shoulders just before rocking you with a third uppercut, POW!!!, sending the young hero flying, to crash down in the rain, mud and cum.....



  1. i need more more more hits to the gut! hahahaha

  2. Are you still on FB? I messaged you but no reply.

  3. Love this story, are you still interested in some roleplay?

    1. I am but I'm currently not feeling well. Send me a message on FB so we can connect


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