Superboy Defeated and Tortured END


Story so far: Superboy was badly bullied by Lex's hunchmen. And now Lex had another evil plan for him.


"Wash him up." Ordered Lex.

After a rough "water-cannon bathe", Bien was cleaned up, leaving all the wounds and welts on his tanned skin. He was weak and drained-out, after 24 hours of continuos bludgeon, without food and water, Superboy was dehydrated and badly starved. During the cleaning up, the thugs were kind enough to feed Bien not the food, but mud and soil.

They forced him to open his mouth and flushed whole bowl or mud into his stomach, then they kneeled him down, inserted water pipe into his mouth and loaded his whole stomach with water. When the water almost choked his throat, they stopped and extremely happy to see Bien's abdomen bloated like a 9-month pregnant lady. Then they wrestled his arms, exposing his pecs and fully-inflated abs to a few thugs were hammered with cricket bats. "Thud...thud...thud" every ramming made him throwing out the water with mud. The torture was so terrible that he rolled over his eyes and almost passed out again.

When he was tossed in naked to kneel down in front of Lex, Bien was still trying to regurgitate the mud. Lex gripped his hairs and moved his handsome face upward to look at him. "Good news, beating is over for you, Superboy, now you have to become my sex-slave, you have to do whatever I want you to do, if not..." Lex switched on one of the TV screens, it showed a group of children were locked in a room, "See those cute little boys and girls, if you refuse to comply, some nice gas will be filled up the room, and you know what will happen to them."

Bien could do nothing but nod his head in distress.

" Good."Lex said and looked at the monsters, they stripped and disclosed their monstrous package. It sent chill rolling down Superboy's spine, the monsters were awful enough to look at and it was even nastier to have affair with them. They have various type of rods which were spiky, lined, inverted spiky and full of hooks. The horrible injuries which were to be inflict on

Bien's anal would be unimanginable, but the damages of his superheroic images was his top concern. "No!" Superboy suddenly shouted.

"How courageous and at the same time merciless to those beautiful children." Lex threatened.

"But...I...I.." Bien realised the consequences of his refusal, he was helpless and upset, he strained his whole body and finally said, ""

"Let's the game begin." Lex announced and the crowds cheered again. The TV showed a few big words, "Superboy - A Sex Maniac."

Some newspaper printed " Superboy - disgusting sexual encounter with monsters."

All the four monsters took on Superboy one by one, they pumped up their abnormal rods and shove it inside his anus. Bien had to pretend that he enjoyed the act although he actually growled in pain as the spkies cut through his anal skins. When the monster joined with Bien at the back, Superboy had to grab the monster buttock and stretch his abs to receive ferocious poundings from another thug. The gut-punchings erected Biens cock, and when it was totally hardened, he had to push it inside another monster's anus. Then it went on and on until Bien's anus bleeding and his rod wounded due to rough skin the monsters had.

The whole episode of Superhero-Monster's sexual affair was televised globally. The viewers now were misled that Superboy was a sex-maniac, they cursed him like hell. The images collpased. Other superheroes also missunderstood Bien as they saw that he really enjoyed the act. But nobody knew Superboy did all this because of the poor children. When the broadcast ended, Bien actually wept, the pain was nevertheless torturing but the mental injury, the meltdown of his pride was even more hurting.

He wept and tears of superhero welled up in his eyes. The paper reported "Superboy, a sex scumbag, cried of joy." They planned this humiliation cruelly, they twisted every fact to paint Superboy liked a trashy man.

The monsters grinned satisfactorily. Then the TV announced "Superboy had not enough sex yet, he craves for more and more.. Yak, what a superhero." Then Bien had to bend over a table, exposing his butt and allow the male crowds to sodomise him as much as possible. He even had to pretend he really enjoyed it by moaning, "Oh.. please, more,'s good, its sooooo good." This act further enraged the public and the superhero community. They immediately held a meeting and sentenced Superboy to be put behind Universal Prison for degrading the image of superhero as a whole.

"I know..I'll."Lex put down the phone, Superman actually called him and asked Lex to handover Bien to them for punishment. Lex agreed but then it was too early to do so. Looking at Bien being sodomised by more than 50 males, he was delighted. The sodomise went on for 2 hours, blood and male juices filled up his anal cavity and overflowed, dripping down like glue. Bien was asked to lick the male juice on the floor like dog. It was a total disgusting scene to look at but he had to do it.

Then he kneeled down and opened his mouth to allow another long queue of men to

thrust their erected rods deep into his throat and shot full load of men juice inside his stomach. Bien had to act liked drinking a delicious fresh juices and kept on begging them to fill up his stomach. All those men were so proud given the chance to "rape" Superboy. Everybody was satisfied except the devastated Bien.

After 4 hours of vulgar act, Lex invited 100 women who paid high price to make love with the hot superhero. They practically gangraped Bien as he was forced to erect and shoot until nothing coming out from his rod. Then they whipped him, treated him like a dog and Bien acted like he was totally absorbed in this obscene acts. He fondled the women breast, licked their nipples and genital organs, inserting his hardened rod to shoot. He screamed in pretentious ecstacy. He had to force himself to climax and intercourse with all 100 ladies. The lewd act ended in 3 hours, then Bien just sprawled on the floor, gasping for air.

"Some more?" The TV asked, "Let's see the psyhotic Bien masturbate, this is his secret hobby, a bad hobby for Superhero."

Then Superboy was forced to masturbate alone, rubbing his cock, moaning, screaming in "joy" and fucked the air as his manjuice had been totally drained out. Bien self masturbated for 2 full hours in front of the camera, fucking the air for more than 20 times.

Then he just collapsed to the floor, very very tired and the last drop of energy used up. Bien was now physically and mentally burnt out, his whole life was gone, down the drain, there was no return for him in any part of the world.

Lex achieved his ultimate goal of crushing Superboy physically and mentally. The whole world went against Bien now, even the superhero community. They already decided to detain Superboy for severely violating the terms and rules of being a superhero. Now Bien was called "Gay" "Homohero""Sex-Psycho" and so on by the public and newspaper. The obscene photos of Bien's act were widely circulated around, the posters of Bien and Superboy were put up everywhere for the public to detain whenever detected as Lex announced that Superboy managed to escape from his cell. This was actually a lie to create more sufferings for Bien as they dumbed him with both wrists handcuffed at the back and so were the ankles in the most notorious place in town. There lived all the most relentless and obnoxious guys who found Bien curling up on the floor. They recognised him immediately and lifted him up.

Bien looked at them, he knew another round of beating would begin. This time he had to face the public who once adorned him and finally he had to face the superhero community, and the suffering would continue.




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