In exchange


Dragonkid sped through the streets of Manila, his ears filled with the sound of metal clashing against metal and the familiar cries of battle. He was a Filipino martial arts hero, his body tattooed with the powerful energy of a dragon, and his mission was to protect his city from any and all threats.

But tonight, he faced his toughest challenge yet.

He had received a call from his girlfriend, Maria, saying she had been taken hostage by a group of rich Chinese druglords. They wanted to use her as leverage to get to Dragonkid, knowing how important she was to him. Without a second thought, Dragonkid rushed to the abandoned warehouse where Maria was being held.

As he burst into the decrepit building, he was met with seven heavily armed men, their faces twisted in evil grins. 'Give us your dragon energy, and we'll let your girlfriend go unharmed,' one of the men taunted.

Dragonkid's eyes narrowed, his fists clenching as he prepared for battle. 'I'll never surrender my power to you,' he declared.

The druglords let out mocking laughs and lunged at Dragonkid with their weapons, but he moved with lightning speed, dodging and countering each attack. His dragon energy pulsed through his body, enhancing his strength and agility.

But the druglords were not just ordinary criminals; they had been taught martial arts as well, and their skills were formidable. Dragonkid found himself outnumbered and overwhelmed. He could feel his energy draining as he fought, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep this up.

Finally, one of the druglords landed a powerful blow to Dragonkid's abdomen, sending him crashing to the ground. 'Looks like we caught ourselves a dragon,' the man sneered.

Dragonkid struggled to catch his breath as the druglords pinned him down and drew out small vials from their pockets. He realized with horror that they were going to milk him of his sperm essence, his most powerful form of dragon energy.

Maria could only watch in horror as she was forced to witness the brutal act.

After they had successfully collected the essence, the druglords proceeded to strip Dragonkid of his clothes and tattooed skin. They squeezed his testicles dry and repeatedly raped him, all while Maria was helplessly restrained and forced to watch.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Dragonkid was defeated. Exhausted and humiliated, he was forced to admit defeat and beg for mercy.

'See, dragon boy? Evil always wins in the end,' the man declared as he displayed Dragonkid's tattooed skin like a trophy and chained him up with a collar and anklet, making sure he knew who was in control.

But even in his defeated state, Dragonkid couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. He knew that one day, he would break free from this captivity and take down these druglords once and for all. And when that day came, they would regret ever messing with a hero fueled by the power of a dragon.


  1. Thanks for another super hot chapter. Perhaps Dragonkid will eventually break free, but he is sure to endure many severe beatings and gutpunching sessions before that happens (I hope!).


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