The Ultimate Prize


Dragonkid lay on the hard ground, bloodied and bruised, his energy drained and his spirit broken. He had been beaten and humiliated by a group of monsters, his own countrymen, who had been jealous of his dragon energy and his skills in Filipino martial arts.

One of the monsters kicked him in the ribs, causing him to wince in pain. 'Look at him boys, the mighty Dragonkid is nothing but a weakling now,' the leader of the group sneered.

Dragonkid gritted his teeth and tried to sit up, but the pain was too much. They have drained his sperm essence, his balls squeezed dry and raped, forcing him to admit defeat, shaving his hair and even skinning him in front of a crowd, all in the name of proving their superiority over him.

The monster leader leaned down and whispered in his ear, 'You see, Dragonkid, evil always wins. And we will display your defeat as a trophy, a warning to anyone who dares to challenge us.'

Dragonkid closed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks. He had always believed in using his dragon energy and martial arts for good, for protecting the weak and fighting against injustice. But now, as he lay broken and humiliated, he couldn't help but wonder if evil really did triumph over good.

As the monsters dragged him away, he could hear the sound of his skin being nailed to the walls of the city, the cheers and jeers of the crowd as they celebrated his defeat. But amidst all the chaos and pain, he heard a faint voice calling out to him.

It was the voice of his mentor, the one who had taught him the ways of the dragon and the importance of using his powers for good. And suddenly, a spark of determination ignited within him. He may have been physically defeated, but his spirit was still strong.

'I may have lost this battle, but the war is far from over,' Dragonkid said defiantly, his voice hoarse from the beating. 'And I will rise again, stronger than ever. Evil may have won this time, but not for long.'

The monsters laughed at his words, thinking they had broken him completely. But little did they know that Dragonkid's dragon energy was still coursing through his veins, waiting for the right moment to be unleashed.

And as they hung him on the wall as a warning to others, Dragonkid's eyes blazed with determination and he vowed to never let evil triumph over good again. For he was a hero, tattooed with the power of the dragon, and he would never give up the fight.


  1. Dragonkid is incredibly heroic, which makes it all the hotter when he is tortured and beaten. Work his abs!

    1. Hey any suggestions for stories or even roleplay feel free to pm me here


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