Shang Chi Milked

 The Dark Side of Power

Darkness. It surrounded him like a suffocating shroud, smothering any remaining hope. Shang-Chi, the legendary Master of Kung Fu, had finally fallen into the clutches of his most bitter enemies. Their leader, a crafty old billionaire named Wen, had long sought to harness Shang-Chi's extraordinary life force known as "chi" for his own twisted gain.

As the first hints of dawn light seeped through the dungeon windows, Wen sauntered into the chamber where Shang-Chi was being held captive. He was shackled to the cold stone floor with heavy iron chains. Wen smiled wickedly as he beheld his prize.

"Ah Shang-Chi, so good of you to join us," Wen purred, slowly circling the weakened hero. "After years of thwarting my plans, you will finally prove useful to me."

Shang-Chi glared defiantly at his nemesis. "You're a sick old man. I'll never submit to your perverse desires."

Wen laughed darkly. "Oh, I think you will, my boy. You see, I've discovered your dark secret. That you've been...ahem...'saving your seed' all these years. Hoarding your potent essence. Well, no more!"

He snapped his bony fingers. A hulking brute entered pushing a strange device - an elaborate erotic milking machine, complete with a ridged metal shaft and collection tubes. Shang-Chi's eyes widened in horror.

"You cannot be serious!" he exclaimed. "What madness is this contraption?"

"It will extract your most precious resource for me to sell," Wen explained gleefully. "Your chi-infused semen is priceless. I already have buyers lining up - other wealthy collectors who desire a taste of your legendary seed."

"This is insane!" Shang-Chi protested. "I am not an animal to be milked dry!"

"Ah, but you are," Wen retorted coldly. "A rare specimen to be exploited for my gain. And your 'chi' is extremely potent. I've already tasted it myself. Delicious."

Wen licked his wrinkled lips, eyes glinting. "Now, let's begin. You'll be providing me a steady stream of income from now on, Shang-Chi. The world's greatest cash cow, if you will."

The hulking brute dragged Shang-Chi's struggling body over to the milking machine. Wen opened a cabinet, revealing various sexual implements - a massive fleshlight, vibrating anal beads, a butt plug shaped like a dragon. Wen selected the plug and with a wicked grin, slid it into Shang-Chi's resisting hole, pushing it deep. Shang-Chi howled in anguish.

"Now, let's populate this vessel. We have much work to do," Wen instructed the brute.

The machine was started up, motor whirring. Its metal cock shaft began to move, slowly penetrating Shang-Chi. The kung fu master clenched his teeth, determined not to give Wen the satisfaction of yielding to the lewd milking.

But oh, how his body betrayed him! The machine's relentless strokes and vibrations soon had him gasping and writhing against his bonds. The dragon plug twisted inside him. It was just too overwhelming. As much as he fought it, Shang-Chi could feel his impressive manhood swelling and throbbing, preparing to erupt.

"NO!" he roared in despair. But it was too late. His tormented cock exploded in a massive orgasm, pumping spurt after spurt of thick white semen into the machine's collection tubes. The valiant hero howled in anguish, tears streaming down his face, as his precious essence was mechanically drained from his body.

Wen rubbed his hands together gleefully, watching the clear liquid fill up the first vial. "Excellent! This will bring me a fortune. We'll keep you constantly stimulated and milking, my pleasure slave. You'll be the cash cow I've long desired!"

As the machine continued ceaselessly draining Shang-Chi's seed, Wen's partners began to filter into the dungeon, eager to sample the legendary kung fu master's erotic nectar. They paid handsomely for each vial, savoring every drop of the priceless elixir. Wen gloated, reveling in his victory over his longtime foe.

Shang-Chi remained chained in wretched misery, his body ruthlessly milked over and over again. The once proud hero was reduced to a plaything, a sex slave, an object to be used and drained for the sick amusement of Wen and his partners. His most intimate secret was exploited without mercy.

The kung fu master's chi had been his greatest asset. Now it would be his downfall. There was no escape. He was forever Wen's personal cocksleeve, a cash cow to be milked. His chi would be the old man's most lucrative product. Shang-Chi's anguished cries echoed in the dungeon as the machine continued its relentless work.


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