The gory end of Kamao

The dawn broke over the horizon, a fiery glow painting the clouds in hues of crimson and gold. In the bustling city below, the citizens awoke, unaware of the impending doom that loomed on the horizon. For centuries, the legend of Kamao had been whispered in awe by the people - the mighty fist-fighter who single-handedly destroyed the Monster Empire and brought an era of peace and justice to the land. But deep within the darkest depths of the earth, an ancient evil stirred, its malevolent presence palpable in the fetid air.

Bien Regalado, the 26-year-old man behind the mask of Kamao, slept peacefully in his apartment, his wife Rose curled beside him. Little did he know, this would be his last night of tranquility.

At the stroke of midnight, a deafening crash shattered the quiet. Bien jolted awake to find his bedroom overrun by a horde of grotesque creatures, their leathery skin glistening in the moonlight. Rose screamed as a clawed hand clamped over her mouth. "Kamao!" hissed the leader, an abomination of razor sharp teeth and glowing red eyes. "We've come for you, hero."

Bien leapt from bed, fists clenched, but the monsters were too quick. They seized him, dragging him into the night as Rose's muffled cries echoed behind. He fought with all his might, but their numbers overwhelmed him. They bound his wrists behind his back with chains of blackest iron and hauled him deep into the bowels of the earth, into the ancient lair of the Monster Empire.

Bien found himself chained to a stone altar, the creatures swarming around him like vultures. The leader, a towering beast with a maw full of needle-like fangs, leaned in close, its breath reeking of decay. "We've been waiting a long time for this, Kamao," it snarled. "You cost us everything - our lands, our strength, our dignity. But now, we shall have our vengeance."

The monster backhanded him with a cruel laugh. Bien spat blood, glaring up defiantly. "Is that the best you can do? I've faced better."

"Perhaps," the beast sneered. "But never like this." With a wave, it summoned a host of its minions, each more vile and twisted than the last. They fell upon Bien like a ravenous horde, fists and claws pummeling his flesh, gashing open wounds. Pain exploded through his body as they took turns, beating him mercilessly.

They paused only to douse him in cold water, his vision blurring. "Tell us, Kamao," the leader purred, tracing a talon down his blood-slicked chest. "Where do you get your strength? Is it just training? Or something more?"

Bien kept silent, even as they worked him over, his body wracked with agony. The monster cackled. "No answer? So be it. We'll find out another way." With a barked command, one of its lieutenants produced a rusted iron poker, its tip glowing white-hot.

Bien's scream tore through the cavern as it seared his skin, his eyes bulging in pain. The stench of charred flesh filled the air. They cauterized his wounds, then started anew, flaying and burning until he was naught but a mass of welts and burns. His mind began to crack, his will wavering.

"Last chance, hero," the beast taunted. "Where do you get your power? Tell us, and we may show mercy."

With a final convulsion, Bien's spirit shattered like brittle glass. "My wife!" he sobbed. "It's my wife Rose! She's my strength, my heart. I do it all for her!"

The monster's eyes gleamed with triumph. "Excellent." It clapped its hands and a wailing Rose was dragged into view, her wrists bound. "If this sweet thing means so much, then let's see how you handle this."

They forced Bien to watch, helpless, as they ripped away Rose's clothes, leaving her naked and shivering. The monster leader seized her from behind, pinning her arms as another beast forced itself upon her. Rose's screams rang out as they took her again and again, violating her most intimate places. Tears streamed down Bien's face at the sight of his beloved defiled and debased.

"Please," he begged brokenly. "Not her, not Rose Take me instead!"

"Too late for that," the creature sneered. It wrenched Rose's head back, exposing her throat. A flash of steel, and her neck opened in a geyser of blood. She convulsed and went limp as the beasts howled in delight. Bien shrieked in anguish, thrashing against his bonds.

The monsters paid him no heed, humping Rose's twitching corpse in a frenzy, their foul-looking organs defiling her in death. They painted Bien's face with her blood, glorying in his torment. When they finally ceased, Rose was a limp rag doll, barely recognizable.

"Now then," the leader snatched a fistful of Bien's hair, forcing him to meet its gaze. "Where were we?" It summoned a cruel-looking mallet, applying it to his face with a meaty thud. Bien's nose shattered, blood bubbling from his nostrils. The beast methodically broke every bone in his handsome face until he was a gory mess, eyes swollen shut.

"That's better," it tutted, setting the mallet aside. "Now, we need to harvest that precious power of yours." It motioned and a barbarous spike was heated in a brazier until it shone red-hot. With great fanfare, it was driven into Bien's skull, boring into his brain. He twitched and spasmed, his mind shorting out.

The monster worked the spike, stirring his very neocortex until he shuddered and groaned, an unexpected seed of pleasure blossoming in his loins. His cock swelled, bobbing obscenely. The beasts laughed as they milked him, jacking his member until he spurted thick ropes of jizz all over himself.

"Fantastic," the leader purred, swiping some on its fingers and licking them clean. "We'll drain you dry." It seized Bien's shoulders and hauled him up to kneel on the altar as its minions gripped his ankles. With a flex of its monstrous loins, it sprouted an enormous length of veiny flesh, barking a command.

Bien had only a second to register the thick rod sliding into his bowels before it rammed him to the core. He howled, impaled on the beast's cock, his vision whiting out. It pistoned into him brutally, stretching his guts, until the cavern echoed with the wet slap slap slap of flesh. Still it hammered him, his cock jumping with each thrust.

The monster climaxed with a roar, firing jets of blazing seed into Bien's bowels. He wailed, feeling it flood his guts, burbling from his lips and nostrils as he was pumped full. They rolled him over and worked him over from all angles, violating his mouth, ass, and every crevice, milking his cock in a blur of sweaty flesh and inhuman grunts and groans.

Bien came and came, his seed spurting weakly, until he was utterly spent, barely clinging to consciousness. The beasts pumped him into oblivion, draining the last of his power into their loins. When they finally hauled him to his feet, he could barely stand, hanging limp and glassy-eyed in the chains.

"Not so mighty now, are you?" the leader sneered, giving his cock a final cruel tweak. "A bit more of this, and you'll be a drooling husk. Then, we'll rip you apart and feast - starting with these fists that destroyed our empire."

Bien's eyes flew wide in horror as the monstrous mallet descended on his hands, each knuckle obliterated with a sickening crunch. He screamed, his wrists chained to his sides as his fingers were methodically pulverized into broken shards.

But the most agonizing came last. In a display for the ravenous crowd, they wrenched out his tongue and plucked his eyes with cruel spikes, his screams becoming wet, gargling moans. The beasts jeered and spat on him, bidding the people gather round to witness the once-mighty Kamao, now a blind, mute husk, his body defiled and broken.

In a final humiliation, they led him through the city, painting the streets with his blood as the citizens gawked in horror. Bien wailed wetly, his mind shattered, resigned to his fate. At last they reached the town square where a monstrous bonfire blazed.

The leader seized him by the neck and heaved him into the flames, his agonized shrieks rising above the roar of the pyre. He thrashed amidst the fire, skin peeling, fat dripping, as the beasts capered around the blaze. At last, a final agonized cry and he collapsed into the ashes, naught but a greasy pile of blackened bone.

The monsters howled their victory to the sky, secure in their revenge. The people wept, mourning their fallen hero - but none more keenly than the wife of Kamao, who alone knew the man behind the mask of legend.

Thus ended the tale of Bien Regalado, the fist-fighter who once saved them all, now a forgotten husk, and the Monster Empire's vengeance fulfilled at last.


  1. wow .your getting very dark

  2. Never thought I’d see the progression to gore.

  3. For me it really depends on how the story justifies the gore, 've been reading a bunch of stories recently that have gore and the hero getting executed or even consumed and i really like it. But will be uploading non gore as well


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