Superboy Defeated and Tortured Part 5

Superboy was completely helpless now. There was no way out for him. His super strength was gone, he was left with human power but magnificently hard body. Bien Regalado had been training so hard to become a perfect superhero mentally and physically. But now, bit by bit, they were melting down. But he still refused to succumb to their request - "begging for mercy". He just held on spunkily to receive the hellish tortures and grilling. But so far, they inflicted mostly his physical endurability which he could stand although he already fainted a few times due to overwhelming pain. Superboy was in a total dismay state now - half conscious in never-ending pain, could hardly stand firm, head dropped down with soft moaning, gastric juice and fresh blood dripping down from his mouth. He was still held in full nelson by a strong thug with both of his hands trying in vain to cover his damaged abs due to destructive assaults. "Look at me, superboy." Lex ordered. Bien was too...